Mark my words, Obama WILL LIE to get re-elected. I predict that he will claim that HE ended the war in Iraq. True it ended on his watch but he did not end it, George Bush ended the war, that's right BUSH ended the war. Obama has done NOTHING but carry the agreements made by the Bush administration. But just watch, Obama will try to take the credit. If he will lie about something this serious then how can you believe anything he says (as if we need more proof!).
On December 14, 2008 President Bush signed the IRAQ STATUS OF FORCES AGREEMENT with Iraq's prime minister Nouri al-Maliki. That agreement stated US forces would withdraw from major cities by June 30,2009 and that was done and that all US forces would withdraw from Iraq by December 31, 2011.
Look it up and when Obama tries to take credit you'll only have one thing you can say about the president...LIER!!!!! Then go to the polls in November, vote Republican for President and Congress and let's get on with the rebuilding of our great country. There is still time to recover from Obama's mess but if he gets another four years we may not be able to repair the damage for decades.
Friday, December 16, 2011
ABC and FOX Debates now in the books
Well we have had two more debates and clearly it is coming down to Newt and Mitt. My take is Newt is the clear front runner with Mitt a close second. Both of them have done very well in these debates. One thing worth noting is that while they have exchanged a few barbs they have for the most part stayed on track and stuck to the issues. I like that. On the other hand it's time to shed some of the excess candidates real soon. Start with Huntsman, he's done, no chance in hell, smart guy, seems nice enough but really he's just taking time from those that have a chance....time to go John, bye bye! Next is Michelle Bachmann, sorry, NO chance and I'm getting real tired of her whining. She is doing more damage then good now, on the attack with her false claims and accusations she is just loading the left with ammo for the future. Reagan said you don't disparage another republican, she should listen. Next is our crazy uncle, Ron Paul. Don't get me wrong, Love Uncle Paul, he is dead on when it comes to the monetary system, Fed, debt and most domestic issues but he is whacked out completely wrong on foreign policy. Sorry regardless he isn't electable, Obama would destroy him in a debate, he can't win so bye bye uncle Ron. The rest of the field is OK to go for now. I'll leave Santorum in there because he is a smart guy and a good possible vice president so folks need to continue to get to know him.
Next up is the Iowa Caucus on Jan. 3. So it starts and off we go....
To watch all the debates in full follow this link:
Next up is the Iowa Caucus on Jan. 3. So it starts and off we go....
To watch all the debates in full follow this link:
Friday, December 9, 2011
Political Lie Detector
Here is a fun and informative site, take political quizzes and participate in polls. Check it out.
Political Lie Detector |:
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Political Lie Detector |:
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Saturday, December 3, 2011
Cain Out
And so it goes, Herman Cain is the first to drop out. Caught up in a media storm over sexual allegations and with money drying up because of it there was no other choice. The right loses a strong voice that brought many new ideas and dialog to the contest but do to the harsh reality of presidential politics there was no way he could get elected. The good news is, as he said in his exit speech, he proved that a regular guy with no political background can make a solid run. On top of that it also proves the left wrong when they try to paint the right is raciest. It will be interesting to watch what he does in the future, if he becomes a voice to be reckoned with or fades into history. We'll be watching.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Woman Claims 13-Year Affair With Cain - Herman Cain - Fox Nation
Well to bad, Looks like Mr. Cain is done to me. It doesn't matter if any of this is true or not it's still baggage I don't think he can overcome. I like him, I think he has a lot to offer but I don't think he can beat Obama and what's the use of running someone to place second, it doesn't count and Obama gets to be around to further destroy our country. The Obama billion dollar campaign would use this to pound him into the ground, true or not. Sad, very sad.
Woman Claims 13-Year Affair With Cain - Herman Cain - Fox Nation:
'via Blog this'
Woman Claims 13-Year Affair With Cain - Herman Cain - Fox Nation:
'via Blog this'
Sunday, November 27, 2011
A Couple more debates under our belt
On 11/19 there was the Thanksgiving Family Forum in Des Moines Iowa and on 11/22 the CNN Heritage Foundation debate in Washington DC. Both were good platforms for the candidates. The Thanksgiving debate was based on faith, the candidates discussed there religion and how it plays in there decision making. Mitt Romney didn't attend. While I am not personally very religious I do think it plays an important part in choosing a president. I want someone that believes there is a higher power to answer to. I an partial to Newt and as far as I am concerned he won hands down. I like the fact that he is a recent convert to the catholic church. The other folks also proclaimed their beliefs, Bachman I think proclaiming the strongest almost born again stature. Good stuff.
The CNN debate was on foreign policy and nuff said Newt ran the house. When it comes to world affairs there isn't anyone close. Ron Paul came off like a total nut bag, sorry but I can't deal with anyone that would just hand nukes to Iran. I like Perry's input that all foreign aid start at zero and then they have to make the case as to why we should give them a dime, Newt agreed.
Best thing to come of it all is Newt is now the front runner, the folks are finally figuring it out, vote for the smartest guy! Can't wait to see him mop the floor with Obama!!
Here is a link to a great page that you can click and watch any of the debates in full.
The CNN debate was on foreign policy and nuff said Newt ran the house. When it comes to world affairs there isn't anyone close. Ron Paul came off like a total nut bag, sorry but I can't deal with anyone that would just hand nukes to Iran. I like Perry's input that all foreign aid start at zero and then they have to make the case as to why we should give them a dime, Newt agreed.
Best thing to come of it all is Newt is now the front runner, the folks are finally figuring it out, vote for the smartest guy! Can't wait to see him mop the floor with Obama!!
Here is a link to a great page that you can click and watch any of the debates in full.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Gingrich to OWS: Get A Job And Take A Bath
Newt tells it like it is. I would vote for him based on this one statement alone, even if I wasn't already sold...
Saturday, November 12, 2011
The Michigan debate: One candidate falls, one runs away with it - Right Turn - The Washington Post
Well Well, the Michigan debate was sure interesting. I thought Newt did very well but most of the talking heads make Romney the winner. The best moment was of course Rick Perry forgetting the energy department as one of his departments he would close down, the other two being the dept. of education and dept. of commerce. Cain was right on target pushing 999 with every opportunity, the last week of sexual harassment charges not fazing him at all though the polls show him taking a small hit. It's looking like it will come down to Mitt and Newt, my choice being Newt. The CBS debate tonight (Saturday) on foreign policy should be interesting, I expect Newt to wipe the floor with the rest of them, he after all has much more experience. The attached article is a fairly good rundown of the Michigan debate. More later after the CBS debate.
The Michigan debate: One candidate falls, one runs away with it - Right Turn - The Washington Post:
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The Michigan debate: One candidate falls, one runs away with it - Right Turn - The Washington Post:
'via Blog this'
Saturday, November 5, 2011
"Occupy" movement followers don't have a clue!
Ooooo, those evil corporations! This is a good example of the joke known as the "Occupy" movement. These people don't have a clue as to how the world works. They don't understand when a corporation makes money that is some regular guys pension investment, grandpa's stock portfolio etc. that is making the money. Losers all, I am not of the "99%", I'm with the people that have brain's.
Friday, November 4, 2011
Eric Cantor || Majority Leader || Jobs Legislation Tracker
Track job bills with this site, and they say Republicans are holding things up! Tell your Senator to bring these bills to the floor and tell Harry (the traitor) Reid to do HIS job, quit blocking and start voting.
'via Blog this'
11/4/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference
When you hear Obama, Biden and the rest of the Democrats telling you the Republicans are doing NOTHING to create jobs, when they say the Republicans are just obstructionists remember one thing THAT IS A LIE! Contact your Senators and tell them to get off there ass and pass the 16 (to date) bills the house republicans have sent to the Senate. Tell Harry (the traitor) Reid to stop blocking Americas future and quit playing politics with our jobs.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
How much can the 99 percent squeeze out of the 1 percent?
Great article, for those who think taxing the rich is the answer, the math doesn't work. The solution is cutting spending, don't care how many people "occupy wall street" taxing the job makers just doesn't add up to productive economics. Think.... when was the last time you worked for a poor person? Never!
'via Blog this'
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Nice speach from Paul Ryan. What a brilliant guy! I wish the rest of congress got it like he does, we would all be much better off! This is a bit long but well worth the read. Credit to
Speeches and Statements
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Full Bloomberg Republican Debate In New Hampshire
As of this posting I have not had a chance to see the whole debate. From what I have seen it looks like Romney commanded the drivers seat with Cain holding up second place, Newt pulls no punches, coming on strong, especially when it comes to the Fed and Dodd/Frank. More later, here is a link to watch the full debate online since it was on Bloomberg TV and I expect not available to many viewers.
Full Bloomberg Republican Debate In New Hampshire
Full Bloomberg Republican Debate In New Hampshire
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Green energy, Green jobs, lies and deceit
If you have been watching the news you have seen the reports about Solyndra, the solar panel company that went bankrupt. Obama and his cronies pushed through over 500 million in loan guarantees to a company that they knew was in trouble. They knew it but needed a place to photo opp and push the Obama green agenda. Some are saying that Solyndra failed because of Chinese undercutting prices and to a degree that is correct but what they don't say in the liberal press is that they would have failed anyway. The so called green movement is a fraud, these companies can't survive without government subsidies anyway. There isn't enough demand, no market for the product without a huge government handout attached. That's our tax dollars on both ends, financing failing companies selling heavily subsidised product. It just doesn't work. The market will decide when such products can be successful, not the Obama administration, government can't pick winners and losers only the free market can decide.
The answer to our energy needs is to open the markets for what we have right here right now and filter in new technologies as they come available at competitive prices. What Obama is doing is trying to make the decision for the free marketplace. He is starving our energy supply to attempt to create a demand for green crap! We should be opening up our own supplies of oil, coal, natural gas and more right now. We have enough natural gas alone to supply our needs for the next 100 years. Right here in our own country. Obama would rather hold up exploration and production, give millions to countries like Venezuela to drill off there shore. It's nuts, we are being manipulated by Obama to try to force feed us an agenda that is a total failure, costing us billions, destroying whole industries and costing thousands of jobs.
Proof is in the pudding. Solyndra isn't an aberration, but it's just a cog in the wheel. Evergreen Solar Inc. got 5.3 million of stimulus money and is now bankrupt. SpectraWatt Inc. got 500K of stimulus money and they're bankrupt. Mountain Plaza Inc. got a stimulus grant of 242K and they're bankrupt.
These are just a few examples, there are many more. How about those who" shovel ready jobs"in that were promised? I guess those shovel ready jobs weren't so shovel ready after all says Obama! Thanks Dude, way to know what your talking about when spending a trillion of our dollars.
I am as environmental as the next guy, I hate that we are cutting old growth wood, destroying rain forests, spewing smog from our cars and so on. I agree with those that what to keep our water clean but there has to be a balance, some common sense. When the blabla fish in some stream in northern California means no water for farming and the breadbasket of the USA and the land dries up, farmers go bankrupt and food prices skyrocket I say fuck the fish, give them there water. This is just a small example of the environmentalists left that is just flat wrong. Do what matters and makes sense but the good of nation comes before all else. Be a good steward of the environment, do the right thing. Green is OK but it must be something we do because we care, not something that is forced on us by some bureaucrat in Washington DC. Obama, quit wasting our tax dollars, you don't know what your doing, you've never run anything in your life. Let the market decide, that's what we do here in the USA.
Drill Here, Drill NOW!
The answer to our energy needs is to open the markets for what we have right here right now and filter in new technologies as they come available at competitive prices. What Obama is doing is trying to make the decision for the free marketplace. He is starving our energy supply to attempt to create a demand for green crap! We should be opening up our own supplies of oil, coal, natural gas and more right now. We have enough natural gas alone to supply our needs for the next 100 years. Right here in our own country. Obama would rather hold up exploration and production, give millions to countries like Venezuela to drill off there shore. It's nuts, we are being manipulated by Obama to try to force feed us an agenda that is a total failure, costing us billions, destroying whole industries and costing thousands of jobs.
Proof is in the pudding. Solyndra isn't an aberration, but it's just a cog in the wheel. Evergreen Solar Inc. got 5.3 million of stimulus money and is now bankrupt. SpectraWatt Inc. got 500K of stimulus money and they're bankrupt. Mountain Plaza Inc. got a stimulus grant of 242K and they're bankrupt.
These are just a few examples, there are many more. How about those who" shovel ready jobs"in that were promised? I guess those shovel ready jobs weren't so shovel ready after all says Obama! Thanks Dude, way to know what your talking about when spending a trillion of our dollars.
I am as environmental as the next guy, I hate that we are cutting old growth wood, destroying rain forests, spewing smog from our cars and so on. I agree with those that what to keep our water clean but there has to be a balance, some common sense. When the blabla fish in some stream in northern California means no water for farming and the breadbasket of the USA and the land dries up, farmers go bankrupt and food prices skyrocket I say fuck the fish, give them there water. This is just a small example of the environmentalists left that is just flat wrong. Do what matters and makes sense but the good of nation comes before all else. Be a good steward of the environment, do the right thing. Green is OK but it must be something we do because we care, not something that is forced on us by some bureaucrat in Washington DC. Obama, quit wasting our tax dollars, you don't know what your doing, you've never run anything in your life. Let the market decide, that's what we do here in the USA.
Drill Here, Drill NOW!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
The left just doesn't get it, check this out!
Great clip from CBS Face the Nation. Debbie Wasserman Schultz Democratic Representative from Florida perhaps one of the farthest left Obama butt kissers in congress still blaming all our troubles on Bush. Hey Debbie, Bush has been gone for 3 years get over it, you guys own it now, this is the Obamaconomy lock stock and barrel. Love it, the new Democratic slogan "It could have been worse" replaces that hope and change thing. OBama himself said if he couldn't fix the economy in 3 years he should be a one term President, well he has proved he hasn't got a clue what to do so I support that assessment. Bye Bye BO.
We'll give Debbie a Green Level CPA just for being such an idiot, Congrat's!
We'll give Debbie a Green Level CPA just for being such an idiot, Congrat's!
Cain wins Florida straw poll
Herman Cain won the straw poll in Florida, so much for those racist republicans huh! Cain is a serious contender for right now. He is one of the only candidates that will answer a question straight on with out a bunch of talking points. I at least hope he stays in the field for awhile, his input is important to the conversation. Here is a link to the details of the win. Congratulations to Mr. Cain.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Fox / Google Debate
Last nights debate on Fox didn't reveal anything new but did show more depth in the candidates. I think Romney was the winner but Ron Paul won by a wide margin in the Fox online poll. Perry better get himself together, he comes off as akward and unprepared, not good, whoever is the nominee will have to be on his toes to debate Obama, no doubt, credit where due Obama can talk the talk but( that's all he seems able to do). This time there was a newcomer to the lineup, Gary Johnson, another former Governor that doesn't have a chance even though he did deliver the best soundbite of the evening. "My neighbors two dogs have created more shovel ready jobs then this administration." he said, great line even if he did lift it from Rush as it later came out. The discourse between Romney and Perry heated up with both arguing about what they have wrote in there books. I think Romney won most of the jabs but find overall the back and forth a bit distracting. Thinking back to 2008 the front runners were Rudy Giuliani and Fred Thompson and we all know what happened to them. I don't know if either one of these guys are going to make it, still to early to tell. I thought Newt did well again, always steady and to the point. Bachmann continues to backtrack, she just seems to rehearsed. Paul was great, love our crazy uncle! All in all a good debate, the moderators did a great job and kept the show going, giving ample time for all to respond. Off and running, on to the next one.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Tom Ridge endorses Jon Huntsman for President
Ahhhhhh, ok, so what.... Ex Homeland Security Secretary that doesn't matter supports guy that doesn't stand a chance. Gee glad I saw that in the news! See I'm fair, I can knock Republicans LOL!
Obama's Attack Watch is instant joke
The Obama team has launched another web site, this time they are looking for info on anyone who voices there displeasure with the Prez. The problem for them is that it took less then 24 hours for it to become a big joke. Do these morons really think Americans are going to run around the web and snitch on fellow Americans that don't agree with the sludge the Whitehouse spews out day in and day out. Descent is part of the system, we are allowed to disagree, that's what makes us different from most of the rest of the world, that's why as Americans YES we are better then "them". Hey Obama, your site is a joke and we don't give a crap how you want to spin it, your administration is a load of crap as well. Long live the truth, you won't find it on Attack Watch, that's for sure!
Just because it's so stupid, we give Attack Watch a green level CPA
These videos hit the web within hour's of "Attack Watch", Very funny!!
Just because it's so stupid, we give Attack Watch a green level CPA
These videos hit the web within hour's of "Attack Watch", Very funny!!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
GBTV goes live
Glenn Beck TV started it's full broadcst schedule Monday. I highly recommend it, very well done and I am a Beck fan. Don't agree with everything but feel he has a point of view that needs to be listend to. Even if you don't like him you have to give him credit for this undertaking. A full web based network with top notch production values on this scale has never been done. The set, video quality, everything was as good as Fox had to offer. This could be the future of TV, it couldn't have been done just a few years ago but now with high speed internet almost everywhere here we go. Also launched, very smart, were the iPhone and iPad apps, they work great as well. If his business model works you will see a lot of this, I think it's great! Good luck Glenn, I'll be watching!
CNN Tea Party debate
Well, CNN did a better then expected job putting on the debate unlike the super bias MSNBC. I thought Wolf did a good job as moderator, he kept it moving along and gave each of the candidates time to address there questions without letting them dwell to long. Bachmann stepped up her position and I think gained some points. Perry was on the defensive a lot, you would expect he would have to being the front runner, they were after him. I don't care much for his giving in state tuition to illegals or his executive order making vaccinating 12 year old girls against the papilloma virus mandatory but at least he had the balls to admit he was wrong. Romney was slick as ever and had a few good one liners. Cain came across good again, likeing him more all the time. Loved his answer to those that said he doesn't understand how Washington worked.."it doesn't" he said, can't argue with the facts! Ron Paul was feisty as ever.
The after rap up was much better then MSNBC, I didn't get to see it all but what I did see looked to be fairly middle of the road with equal right and left representation. In all CNN did a good job staying in the middle, I give Blitzer credit, he set the tone early.
Here is a good article on the CNN web site for more.
The after rap up was much better then MSNBC, I didn't get to see it all but what I did see looked to be fairly middle of the road with equal right and left representation. In all CNN did a good job staying in the middle, I give Blitzer credit, he set the tone early.
Here is a good article on the CNN web site for more.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Obamas "Jobs for America" plan earns a CPA
I was going to write about Obama's Jobs speech but came upon this article that really says it all.
Obama's job plan earns him his first 2011 COW PIE AWARD
MSNBC GOP Debate coverage wins first award of the season!
MSNBC gets a COW PIE for the most bias coverage ever for a political event. Fox is slanted to the right, yep I said it BUT even though they are they still have the least bias news on the planet, yep I said that to! Now lets look at MSNBC, or should we say the Obama BJ channel, I have never seen anything like it. This joke of a news network is all far left all of the time. There coverage of a GOP debate was a bad joke, who even allowed this to happen? And to have it at the Reagan Library, what an insult, you could hear Reagan screaming from his grave....Nooooooo......
Post debate coverage was just plane insulting. Left, Left Left.......... what a joke!!
Post debate coverage was just plane insulting. Left, Left Left.......... what a joke!!
GOP Rundown
OK now, here we are, the GOP stage is set, we have our candidates (we think). We have had a couple debates and are getting to know what they are about. Here is a quick thought on what I think so far.
Michelle Bachmann
I like her, she is the Tea Party Favorite but although the Tea Party is an important group you can't get elected with them alone. Lets just sum it up with some reality.... she won't get the nomination and can't win against Obama... she's out.
Newt Gingrich
The smartest man in American politics today. Nobody understands government like Newt. I would vote for him in a second. His understanding of issues and solutions is miles past the rest. Sad to say though, he ain't gonna get it...he's out. I hope he continues to campaign as long as possible, his viewpoint is imperative to the debate.
Ron Paul
Love Ron Paul, the GOP's crazy uncle. He is the most radical of all in his views, a strict constitutionalist. One area that he is spot on about is the Federal Reserve and money policy, listen up folks, pay attention to crazy uncle Paul, this is one area he is totally right on. Nuff said...he's out.
Herman Cain
The real thing, a business man that understands what it takes. Like this guy, he answers questions the clearest of all the candidates. Love that whatever they ask him he answers "1-you gotta do this 2- then this 3- then that". He knows his subjects and is clear on what he feels is needed to address them. His 999 tax plan may be a bit simplistic but at least he has a plan. Unfortunately he can't win--he's out.
Jon Huntsman
Who? OK, seems like a smart guy but doesn't have a chance. He should be kept for consideration for the guy that does win, his experience with China would be valuable.
Rick Santorum
I like him, bright man. Maybe a good pick for VP but he can't beat Obama so he's out.
Rick Perry
The current front runner and newest addition to the lineup. Don't know much about him yet but he seems OK. I don't know from what I have seen if he is smooth enough to win but will reserve my opinion for a while.
Mitt Romney
The most likely candidate to win the nomination. Smart businessman, that is a big plus, someone that has actually run something. He has a few skeletons though, the biggest is Romneycare. Although he is set to kill Obamacare it's still a problem for him to get over. I must admit there is just something, don't know what, that turns me off, hope to get over it. I think it is as the talking heads have pointed out, he needs to get his smooth on... we'll see.
There you go, my choice is Newt but I do live in the real world. Let's just get someone that can beat Obama because the bottom line is, a chimp on crack would be better then OhBummer!
Michelle Bachmann
I like her, she is the Tea Party Favorite but although the Tea Party is an important group you can't get elected with them alone. Lets just sum it up with some reality.... she won't get the nomination and can't win against Obama... she's out.
Newt Gingrich
The smartest man in American politics today. Nobody understands government like Newt. I would vote for him in a second. His understanding of issues and solutions is miles past the rest. Sad to say though, he ain't gonna get it...he's out. I hope he continues to campaign as long as possible, his viewpoint is imperative to the debate.
Ron Paul
Love Ron Paul, the GOP's crazy uncle. He is the most radical of all in his views, a strict constitutionalist. One area that he is spot on about is the Federal Reserve and money policy, listen up folks, pay attention to crazy uncle Paul, this is one area he is totally right on. Nuff said...he's out.
Herman Cain
The real thing, a business man that understands what it takes. Like this guy, he answers questions the clearest of all the candidates. Love that whatever they ask him he answers "1-you gotta do this 2- then this 3- then that". He knows his subjects and is clear on what he feels is needed to address them. His 999 tax plan may be a bit simplistic but at least he has a plan. Unfortunately he can't win--he's out.
Jon Huntsman
Who? OK, seems like a smart guy but doesn't have a chance. He should be kept for consideration for the guy that does win, his experience with China would be valuable.
Rick Santorum
I like him, bright man. Maybe a good pick for VP but he can't beat Obama so he's out.
Rick Perry
The current front runner and newest addition to the lineup. Don't know much about him yet but he seems OK. I don't know from what I have seen if he is smooth enough to win but will reserve my opinion for a while.
Mitt Romney
The most likely candidate to win the nomination. Smart businessman, that is a big plus, someone that has actually run something. He has a few skeletons though, the biggest is Romneycare. Although he is set to kill Obamacare it's still a problem for him to get over. I must admit there is just something, don't know what, that turns me off, hope to get over it. I think it is as the talking heads have pointed out, he needs to get his smooth on... we'll see.
There you go, my choice is Newt but I do live in the real world. Let's just get someone that can beat Obama because the bottom line is, a chimp on crack would be better then OhBummer!
Here is the COW PIE threat chart. Awards will be placed on posts when warranted. Based on the old Homeland Security color rating you can check the chart to see how serious a threat an award recipient is to the welfare for our country. Enjoy!!!
Here are the awards as you will see them on posts.
Cow Pie Award
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Welcome to the new Moov-On blog. For some background you can go to my old page at to see where it all began. I make no bones about what the contents here will be. This is my opinion and viewpoint, I am a Republican, far right but not religious right. Comments are very welcome but will be screened before allowed to post.
As you can see the name of the blog is Moov-On, your right it is a take off on that far left web site and every insult, parody, mock and disparaging implication is fully meant. George Soros is pure evil in my book.
This is the home of the infamous COW PIE AWARDS, I will post the COW PIE chart from time to time so you can find out what the awards mean.
I will try to keep up but be patient, time is limited. Most of the posts may be links and quick comments.
The 2012 election cycle begins, Obummer MUST go. Let the dirt fly, this should be fun!!!
As you can see the name of the blog is Moov-On, your right it is a take off on that far left web site and every insult, parody, mock and disparaging implication is fully meant. George Soros is pure evil in my book.
This is the home of the infamous COW PIE AWARDS, I will post the COW PIE chart from time to time so you can find out what the awards mean.
I will try to keep up but be patient, time is limited. Most of the posts may be links and quick comments.
The 2012 election cycle begins, Obummer MUST go. Let the dirt fly, this should be fun!!!
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