If you have been watching the news you have seen the reports about Solyndra, the solar panel company that went bankrupt. Obama and his cronies pushed through over 500 million in loan guarantees to a company that they knew was in trouble. They knew it but needed a place to photo opp and push the Obama green agenda. Some are saying that Solyndra failed because of Chinese undercutting prices and to a degree that is correct but what they don't say in the liberal press is that they would have failed anyway. The so called green movement is a fraud, these companies can't survive without government subsidies anyway. There isn't enough demand, no market for the product without a huge government handout attached. That's our tax dollars on both ends, financing failing companies selling heavily subsidised product. It just doesn't work. The market will decide when such products can be successful, not the Obama administration, government can't pick winners and losers only the free market can decide.
The answer to our energy needs is to open the markets for what we have right here right now and filter in new technologies as they come available at competitive prices. What Obama is doing is trying to make the decision for the free marketplace. He is starving our energy supply to attempt to create a demand for green crap! We should be opening up our own supplies of oil, coal, natural gas and more right now. We have enough natural gas alone to supply our needs for the next 100 years. Right here in our own country. Obama would rather hold up exploration and production, give millions to countries like Venezuela to drill off there shore. It's nuts, we are being manipulated by Obama to try to force feed us an agenda that is a total failure, costing us billions, destroying whole industries and costing thousands of jobs.
Proof is in the pudding. Solyndra isn't an aberration, but it's just a cog in the wheel. Evergreen Solar Inc. got 5.3 million of stimulus money and is now bankrupt. SpectraWatt Inc. got 500K of stimulus money and they're bankrupt. Mountain Plaza Inc. got a stimulus grant of 242K and they're bankrupt.
These are just a few examples, there are many more. How about those who" shovel ready jobs"in that were promised? I guess those shovel ready jobs weren't so shovel ready after all says Obama! Thanks Dude, way to know what your talking about when spending a trillion of our dollars.
I am as environmental as the next guy, I hate that we are cutting old growth wood, destroying rain forests, spewing smog from our cars and so on. I agree with those that what to keep our water clean but there has to be a balance, some common sense. When the blabla fish in some stream in northern California means no water for farming and the breadbasket of the USA and the land dries up, farmers go bankrupt and food prices skyrocket I say fuck the fish, give them there water. This is just a small example of the environmentalists left that is just flat wrong. Do what matters and makes sense but the good of nation comes before all else. Be a good steward of the environment, do the right thing. Green is OK but it must be something we do because we care, not something that is forced on us by some bureaucrat in Washington DC. Obama, quit wasting our tax dollars, you don't know what your doing, you've never run anything in your life. Let the market decide, that's what we do here in the USA.
Drill Here, Drill NOW!
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