OK now, here we are, the GOP stage is set, we have our candidates (we think). We have had a couple debates and are getting to know what they are about. Here is a quick thought on what I think so far.
Michelle Bachmann
I like her, she is the Tea Party Favorite but although the Tea Party is an important group you can't get elected with them alone. Lets just sum it up with some reality.... she won't get the nomination and can't win against Obama... she's out.
Newt Gingrich
The smartest man in American politics today. Nobody understands government like Newt. I would vote for him in a second. His understanding of issues and solutions is miles past the rest. Sad to say though, he ain't gonna get it...he's out. I hope he continues to campaign as long as possible, his viewpoint is imperative to the debate.
Ron Paul
Love Ron Paul, the GOP's crazy uncle. He is the most radical of all in his views, a strict constitutionalist. One area that he is spot on about is the Federal Reserve and money policy, listen up folks, pay attention to crazy uncle Paul, this is one area he is totally right on. Nuff said...he's out.
Herman Cain
The real thing, a business man that understands what it takes. Like this guy, he answers questions the clearest of all the candidates. Love that whatever they ask him he answers "1-you gotta do this 2- then this 3- then that". He knows his subjects and is clear on what he feels is needed to address them. His 999 tax plan may be a bit simplistic but at least he has a plan. Unfortunately he can't win--he's out.
Jon Huntsman
Who? OK, seems like a smart guy but doesn't have a chance. He should be kept for consideration for the guy that does win, his experience with China would be valuable.
Rick Santorum
I like him, bright man. Maybe a good pick for VP but he can't beat Obama so he's out.
Rick Perry
The current front runner and newest addition to the lineup. Don't know much about him yet but he seems OK. I don't know from what I have seen if he is smooth enough to win but will reserve my opinion for a while.
Mitt Romney
The most likely candidate to win the nomination. Smart businessman, that is a big plus, someone that has actually run something. He has a few skeletons though, the biggest is Romneycare. Although he is set to kill Obamacare it's still a problem for him to get over. I must admit there is just something, don't know what, that turns me off, hope to get over it. I think it is as the talking heads have pointed out, he needs to get his smooth on... we'll see.
There you go, my choice is Newt but I do live in the real world. Let's just get someone that can beat Obama because the bottom line is, a chimp on crack would be better then OhBummer!
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